Coding is fun

Coding is fun

What is coding? Coding is a process of giving instruction to computer by using any programming language. There are many programming language such as python, java, c, etc. Early situation faced: Many people try coding and loose hope in the early stage. But keep in mind that all of the successful coders face this situation and overcame this situation.Coding is like playing a game. Initially you can’t be a good player. You need to learn how to play the game, tricks to play the game effectively and practise and so on. The pleasure is when you the see the results for your effort. Like coding also be fun while practicing and seeing the output on the screen Challenge yourself: Following along the concepts would not help, understand the concept and try to code by yourself. Take enough time to practise and you would have fun on modifying the code and you would understand better. Choose a mentor: Mentor would guide you to achieve your goal. He/she would motivate when you think coding is not fun. Conclusion: Coding is fun when you try it. So don’t take coding as a difficult task. Have fun at coding



09 December 2021