The Internet of Things or IoT is influencing our lifestyle. It can be seen from the activities like shortest route from map, tracking the daily activities using smartwatches etc...It is the Giant network with connected devices to it. Its all can be done using the sensors. It can seen in many devices like mobile phone, AC, barcode sensors, etc..
The sensors sends the working data of the device. For this it provide the common platform to store these data. The data are stores by many devices and the valueable information is extracted as per the needed. In AC manufacturing sensors is attached in both the machine and the belt. Nowadays we have smart applicance, smart cars, smart cities etc..where iot is changing our lifestyle and the intraction with the technology. Future of iot industry is huge big.Business insider intelligence estimates that 24 billion iot devices will be installed by 2020.
Lot of job opportunities in the IT industry. The IoT has the potential to dramatically increase the availability of information, and likely to transform companies and organization in virtually around the world.